Speaking at the meeting, held in Hanoi on April 26under the chair of Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh, Minister of Industry andTrade Nguyen Hong Dien said the plan also targets a balance in electricitygeneration between regions and encourages the development of other fuels likehydrogen and ammonia.
Dr. Ngo Tuan Kiet, Director of the Vietnam Academyof Science and Technology, said data on wind power, both offshore and onshore,have been updated in the plan. However, the updated figures from internationalorganisations are not enough and it still requires exclusive studies andassessments.
With the inclusion of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’scommitments at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties(COP26), the plan has opened up opportunities for the development of windpower, especially offshore wind power, according to Associate Prof. Dr. Pham Hoang Luong.
He stressed the need for Vietnam to soon set out anational marine space planning scheme by 2045 which stipulates the sustainable managementand use of the marine space to serve economic activities.
Closing the meeting, Deputy PM Thanh expressed hisapproval for assessments of the State Appraisal Council that PDP VIII hasbeen prepared thoroughly and scientifically.
Under the plan, the national power capacity from nowuntil 2030 would be 146,000 megawatts (MW), 35,000 MW less than the amount inthe previous version, he said, noting that it aims to cut coal-fired power andincrease renewable energy.
The Deputy PM assigned the Ministry of Industry andTrade (MoIT) and other ministries and agencies to collect opinions of the counciland finalise the draft plan, which should be submitted to the PM for approvalin May.
Mechanisms and policies, except for legalregulations, should not be integrated in the draft plan, he said, asking theMoIT to develop an implementation scheme under a set roadmap./.