The resolution was adopted at the fifth plenum of the 9th Party Central Committee.
The PM hailed the improving awareness of the collectiveeconomic development, evidenced by the 2012 Law on Cooperatives on the back ofseven basic principles of the International Cooperative Alliance.
The number of cooperatives increases over years with newmodels. However, their contribution to the country’s gross domestic product remainsmodest and tends down.
He suggested learning from international experience to fullytap the power of new-style cooperatives and collective economic models.
Mechanisms to develop cooperatives and working groups mustbe fine-tuned, and coordination with other economic sectors, especiallybusinesses, strengthened, towards opening up more new markets for farmers, theleader said.
He also asked for facilitating labour training, land andfinance-credit policies, science-technology, and infrastructure upgrade, requiringtapping advantages and potential of cooperative models to make profound andbasic changes in agricultural production and rural lives.
Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue said the outcomes ofthe teleconference will serve as important scientific evidence to report to thePolitburo, thus contributing to policymaking in the near future.
Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung saidsince the launch of the resolution 15 years ago and the adoption of the Law onCooperatives in 2012, the number of effective cooperatives has kept growing,accounting for 55 percent of agricultural cooperatives and about 50 – 80percent of non-agricultural ones.
In the morning the same day, the Vietnam CooperativeAlliance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment held a 2019 national forumon cooperative economy and cooperatives./.