President Sang highlighted Russianpeople’s assistance to Vietnam during its past struggle fornational liberation and current national construction, affirming thatthe help will always be remembered.
He suggestedITAR-TASS and the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) increase the sharing ofinformation in various areas, ranging from politics, investment, andtrade to social life and culture to reflect development cooperation andintegration between the two nations.
Sergei Mikhailov expressed his pleasure to be the first general director of ITAR-TASS to visit Vietnam .
He used the occasion to extend condolences to the Vietnamese Party andState over the passing of General Vo Nguyen Giap, noting that Russianpeople have admired and respected the General, who had made greatcontributions to the friendship between the two countries.
Recalling the operations of Soviet Union reporters in Vietnamduring the wartime, the ITAR-TASS official emphasised that mutualunderstanding and mutual trust serve as a good foundation for the twocountries’ news agencies to strengthen their cooperation.
Sergei Mikhailov informed the host that ITAR-TASS and VNA will hold aphoto exhibition featuring the two countries’ land and people on theoccasion of the upcoming visit to Vietnam by President VladimirPutin.
He affirmed that his agency will spare noeffort to promote the traditional friendship between the two countriesand push up cooperation between the two news agencies.-VNA