Accordingly, the area will be expanded from 30 hectares to 150hectares.
Deputy Director of the provincial Department of ForestProtection Tu Van Khanh said as many as 68 individuals of this kind werecounted in Hon Do Mountain in early June this year, an increase of 18 compared in 2018.
Khanh attributed this to the efforts of the community inprotecting them and the involvement of the localauthorities and relevant agencies in controlling and preventing poaching and in addressing negative impacts on theforest and this rare primate herd in recent years.

This is a rare and endemicprimate species of Vietnam and classified as critically endangered in the Vietnam Red Book and the International Union forConservation of Nature's (IUCN), with only about 1,000 individuals in thewild.
Quang Nam is one of five localities in the country that havebeen identified as the habitat of the rare gray-shanked douc langurs.
The expansion of habitat for the species in Hon Do mountain areais hoped to help thoroughly solve the situation in which that of this rareprimate is divided by production forests of local residents, said Le Van Dung,a member of a community group to protect gray-shanked douc langurs in themountain./.