Reference exchange rate goes up 1 VND

The reference exchange rate for VND/USD was raised by 1 VND to 22,235 VND per USD on February 14.
Reference exchange rate goes up 1 VND ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The reference exchange rate for VND/USD was raised by 1 VND to 22,235 VND per USD on February 14.    

With the current trading band of /-3 percent, the ceiling rate applied to commercial banks on the day is 22,902 VND and the floor rate, 21,568 VND per USD.    

   The opening hour rates at most commercial banks also went up, with Vietcombank increased both buying and selling rates by 60 VND, to 22,660 VND and 22,730 VND, respectively.  

 BIDV listed its buying rate at 22,665 VND and selling rate at 22,735 VND per USD, both up 55 VND compared to February 13.       

 The buying rate listed by Techcombank went up 30 VND to 22,630 VND and the selling rate was increased by 40 VND to 22,740 VND per USD.-VNA    


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