HCM City (VNA) – The runway 25R/07L of Ho Chi Minh City’s Tan SonNhat International Airport and the runway 1B of Hanoi’s Noi Bai InternationalAirport were put into use again after upgrading on January 10 afternoon.
The upgrading project on Tan Son Nhat International Airport,started on June 29, 2020, has a total investment of over 2 trillion VND (86million USD). The upgrade is carried out in two phases, with the first lastingsix months.
In the second phase, the project will upgrade five existingtaxiways and build new rapid exit taxiways, connecting taxiways and paralleltaxiways besides a drainage system, taxiway lights and aviation signboards. Thesecond phase is expected to finish before December 31.
Meanwhile, the two-phase project to repair the Noi Bairunways kickstarted on June 29 with an estimated cost of about 2.03 trillionVND (over 87 million USD). The second phase, during which the runway 1A will beupgraded, is scheduled to be completed by the lunar New Year 2022.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, Politburo member, DeputyPrime Minister Truong Hoa Binh said that the resumption of operations of therunways is of significance, thus helping boost socio-economic development andbetter serving new-generation planes such as A350-900, B787-9 and B787-10.
He asked the Transport Ministry to direct units to ensureabsolute security and safety for flights and promote efficiency of investments,and speed up the progress of the two projects’ second phases.
Tan Son Nhat and Noi Bai are the two largest and mostimportant airports of Vietnam. They have been overloaded for many years and theresultant damage has been evident in visible cracks and deformation and subsidenceof the asphalt surfaces./.