This is the first visit to Vietnam by Raul Castro in his capacity as the leader of the Cuban Party, State and Government.
Thevisit takes place in the context of important developments in the twocountries’ relationship, reflected in the outcomes of the official visitto Cuba by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, in April thisyear.
The visit aims to implement contents in the joint statementissued during Trong’s visit and discuss measures to promote and enhancecomprehensive cooperation between the two countries.
Sinceestablishing the diplomatic ties in December, 1960, Vietnam and Cubahave maintained and developed their relationship, consistent with theaspirations and revolutionary faith of the two Parties, States andpeoples.
The Vietnamese people always keep in their mind thatCuba was the vanguard nation in the world people’s movement to supportVietnam ’s struggle for independence, freedom and reunification inthe past. At present, the Cuban people continue to promote comprehensivecooperation with Vietnam in areas of construction, transport,bio-technology, education, health, sports and agriculture.
Thecountries maintain regular exchange of delegations at all levels and themechanism on annual meetings of the Inter-governmental Committee,increasing comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, States andpeoples.
Both sides reached high consensus on furtherenhancement of fraternal solidarity, friendship and cooperation andimprovement of the ties’ effectiveness in line with each country’sstrength and potential.
The Vietnamese Government shipped 400,000tonnes of rice in 2010 and 300,000 tonnes in 2011 to Cuba , helpingease the island country’s food difficulties.
The two countriesare implementing a number of joint project, such as a project ondevelopment of rice production on a household scale (third phase),another on cooperation in corn and soybean production, and a programmeon Vietnamese-Cuban cooperation on rice production in Cuba during the2010-2015 with Vietnam’s total contribution being more than 43 millionUSD.
Vietnam continues carrying out oil and gas cooperationprojects signed with Cuba in 2007 and promoting investment projects inconstruction of infrastructure for tourism, telecommunications,education and training in Cuba.-VNA