Hanoi (VNA) –Vietnam had no new cases of COVID-19 to report as of 6 p.m. on October 24, markingthe full 52 consecutive days without any new infections in the community,according to the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention andControl.
The country has documented 1,160 SARS-CoV-2 infections so far, as it reported12 imported cases who were quarantined right after their arrivals.
Of the total, 691 were infected with the virus domestically, including 551linked with Da Nang city since the latest coronavirus wave began there on July25.
As many as 1,051 patients have recovered while 35 have died from complicationsrelated to the disease. Most of the fatalities were the elderly withserious underlying health conditions.
Among the patients still under treatment, four have tested negative forSARS-CoV-2 once, three twice, and 16 thrice. Currently, there is no patient incritical conditions.
There are 14,149 people having close contact with confirmed cases or comingfrom pandemic-hit regions under quarantine at present, including 159 inhospitals, 13,185 in concentrated quarantine sites, and 805 at home oraccommodation facilities./.