Vietnamese garment workshops in Russia fighting COVID-19

Many Vietnamese garment workshops in Russia are now struggling to adapt to the new circumstances amid COVID-19, balancing a need to maintain jobs for Vietnamese people with earning a profit.

The Shveinyi Dvor garment workshop in Moscow employs about 80 people and introduced strict prevention measures when COVID-19 first broke out. Its workers have been busier in recent days after a new order came in. Overall, though, orders are down significantly and so are incomes.

To keep the business going and employ as many people as possible, garment workshops owned by Vietnamese people in Russia have adjusted their operations and work only when an order is received.

The business situation started to get better after the peak months of COVID-19 in April and May, but is still stagnant. Due to the disease prevention measures adopted, the workshops now lack materials and accessories and their purchasing power is weak. But they remain open to provide jobs for people.

The garment workshops have all joined hands with local authorities to fight COVID-19, by providing free face masks to local people./.