The award was presented by the Chairman of the Vietnam Union ofFriendship Organisations Vu Xuan Hong in Hanoi on November 2.
As a coordinator, Wattanapong Santatiwat has helped to bring theorganisation to Vietnam in 1988 and worked to make World VersionVietnam develop into one of the largest foreign non-governmentalorganisations in Vietnam .
WVI has implementeddozens of long-term projects in Vietnam ’s 13 cities and provinceswith an estimated capital of 15-17 million USD, focusing on areas suchas education, child protection, gender equality and health care. Over1.5 million Vietnamese people, including 63,000 children, are benefitingfrom these projects.
Addressing the award ceremony,Chairman Hong applauded WVI’s role in general and WattanapongSantatiwat’s efforts and contributions in particular, saying they hadadded to humanitarian activities and development in Vietnam ,contributed to improving the world’s understanding about Vietnam andenhanced ties between the country and its supporters.
Wattanapong Santatiwat expressed his honour to receive the nobleaward, saying he would continue his cooperation in humanitarian reliefand development in Vietnam./.