- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh had separate meetings withhis Cambodian and Slovakian counterparts as well as leaders of someinternational organisations in Davos, Switzerland on January 17 (local time) onthe sidelines of the 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF-54).
Meeting Cambodian PM Hun Manet, PM Chinh said thatVietnam has organised a solemn celebration of the victory of the war defendingthe southwestern border and, together with the Cambodian troops and people,defeating the genocidal regime, which was a chance to popularise theVietnam-Cambodia traditional solidarity and mutual support to people in the twocountries, especially the youth. Read full story
- The official visit to Hungary by Prime Minister Pham MinhChinh, as part of his trip to Europe from January 16-23, is expected tocontribute to consolidating political trust and deepening the Vietnam-Hungarycomprehensive partnership in all fields.
Vietnam and Hungary set up their diplomatic tieson February 3, 1950. Since then, the two nations have stood side by side withand supported each other during the wartime, and in the current national buildingcause. Bilateral friendship and cooperation have developed well in variousfields such as education and training, legal and judicial affairs, culture,sports, and people-to-people exchanges. Read full story
- Deputy Minister and Parliamentary State Secretary at theMinistry of European Union Affairs of Hungary Zsigmond Barna Pál hashighlighted the historicical significance of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’supcoming visit to Hungary, saying that it is the first delegation exchange atthe prime ministerial level between the two countries for the past 7 years.
In an interview granted to the press during his working trip toVietnam from January 14-16, Barna Pál said Hungary wishes to advancecooperation with Vietnam across various areas, ranging from politics, cultureto economy. Read full story
In his speech at closing the session, the toplegislator said the meeting completed its entire agenda in the 3.5 days ofsitting, passing the amended Land Law and amended Law on CreditInstitutions. Read full story
- The amended Land Law and amended Law on Credit Institutionswere officially passed on January 18, as part of the 15th National Assembly(NA)’s ongoing 5th extraordinary session.
The revised land law saw 432 out of the 477 NAdeputies voting in favour, or 87.63% of the total deputies. Read full story
- Vietnam has been a very good partner of the Indo-PacificEconomic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) launched by the United States in May2022, and the country has been playing a constructive role in the IPEFdiscussions, US Ambassador to Vietnam Marc Knapper spoke to the Vietnam NewsAgency. Read full story
- During an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency onthe occasion of New Year 2024, Danish Ambassador to Vietnam Nicolai Prytzstressed Denmark is ready to support Vietnam in green transition.
He also expressed his belief that the GreenStrategic Partnership (GSP) will open a series of new opportunities and takeDenmark-Vietnam bilateral relations to a new level. Read full story
- Vietnam’s early engagement in the Indo-Pacific EconomicFramework for Prosperity (IPEF) highlights its proactive stance as one of thefirst countries to join the discussions initiated by the US in May 2022.However, the new mechanism and its relevance to Vietnam are yet to be widelyknown by the Vietnamese public.
To explain IPEF to his students, many of whomVietnamese, Professor Stephen Nagy of International Christian University(Tokyo) describes the mechanism as a “buffet”: “It is like your friend enjoysseafood, you prefer chicken and the other friends like beef, so you can choosethe part of the buffet that you would like to participate in.” Read full story
- Deposit interest rates at four major banks of Vietnam wereadjusted sharply, down by 0.4% per year from the previous listings, bringingthe rate to 1.8% per year at the lowest.
The Joint Stock Commercial Bank for ForeignTrade of Vietnam (Vietcombank) on January 17 cut its rate by 0.2% per yearfor terms under 12 months, pulling interest rates for 1-2 month, 3-month and6-9-month deposits down to 1.7%, 2% and 3% per year, respectively. The highestinterest rate at the bank is 4.7% per year when customers deposit for 12 monthsor more. Read full story
Their confessions are consistent with the resultsof scene, forensic and judicial examinations as well as documents and evidencecollected by the security investigation agency of the provincial Department ofPublic Security./. Read full story