☕ Afternoon briefing on October 10

The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency.
☕ Afternoon briefing on October 10 ảnh 1

Hanoi (VNA) - The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency.

- The Government of Vietnam is determined to achieve the dual goal of developing a digital government, digital economy, digital society, and forming digital technology enterprises with global competitiveness, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said at a event held in Hanoi on October 10 to mark the National Digital Transformation Day 2023 with the theme "Exploiting digital data to create values".

☕ Afternoon briefing on October 10 ảnh 2Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh addresses an event held in Hanoi on October 10 to mark the National Digital Transformation Day 2023 (Photo: VNA)

PM Chinh, who is also Chairman of the National Committee for Digital Transformation, underlined that digital transformation is an objective requirement and a strategic choice for the construction and development of the county in a comprehensive, modern, fast and sustainable direction. It is a cause of the entire people, the whole society and the whole political system, helping to develop a Vietnam of independence, strength, prosperity and wealthy and happy people without anyone left behind, he stressed. Read full story

- National Assembly (NA) Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai had a meeting with visiting Deputy Secretary General of Germany’s political foundation Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Gerhard Wahlers in Hanoi on October 10.

☕ Afternoon briefing on October 10 ảnh 3National Assembly Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai (R) and Deputy Secretary General of Germany’s political foundation Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Gerhard Wahlers. (Photo: VNA)

Congratulating the foundation on its 30-year presence in Vietnam, Hai said he hopes Vietnamese NA’s agencies will continue to strengthen cooperation with KAS in many areas such as budget and tax management, e-invoice issuance, e-commerce, anti-transfer pricing, commercial fraud combating, digital transformation, and regional and national planning. Read full story

- The Algeria-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians' Group made its debut in Algiers on October 9, aiming to reinforce relations between the two countries in all fields, especially through parliamentary channel.

According to Deputy Speaker of the People’s National Assembly of Algeria Monder Bouden, the establishment of the group is the continuity of the sound traditional friendship between the two countries, showing Algeria’s wish to lift up the bilateral political relationship to a new height, making it broader and deeper across all fields. Read full story

- Director of the Department of Science and Technology for Economic Technical Branches Nguyen Phu Hung has talked more about Vietnam’s recent strategic cooperation with Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the US in semiconductor chip development during an interview granted to Vietnam News Agency at the regular press conference of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST).

Hung said cooperation between Vietnam and the US in particular, as well as other countries in the field, has demonstrated significant opportunities for Vietnam. Vietnam has full potential to become one of the key players in the global value chain for this product. Read full story

- The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) on October 9 continued to offer 28-day treasury bills (T-bills) through the interest rate auction mechanism.

Four out of 10 participants won the bid with the total amount of nearly 5 trillion VND (204.89 million USD), and an interest rate of 1%, as compared with six winners and the interest rate of 1.18% in the October 3 auction. Read full story

- The recent decline in Vietnam’s automobile consumption and its drop to the fifth place in Southeast Asia can be attributed to both external and internal factors, car experts said.

According to the Association of Southeast Asian Automobile Manufacturers (AAF), in the first six months this year, Indonesia took the lead in car sales with 505,000 units, an increase of 6.3% over the same period last year. Thailand was in second place with 406,000 units, a slight decrease of 5% while Malaysia came in third with 366,000 units, an increase of 10.3%. Notably, the Philippines rose from fifth position to fourth with 202,415 cars sold, a sharp increase of 30.7%. Meanwhile, Vietnam dropped to fifth place with 137,327 units, a sharp decrease of 32% compared to the same period last year. Read full story

- Representatives from around 130 State and private enterprises operating in various fields in Cuba have attended a trade forum held by Vietnam’s Thai Binh Corporation in Havana.

☕ Afternoon briefing on October 10 ảnh 4Representatives from Cuban Chamber of Commerce and the Vietnamese side also answered Cuban companies’ questions on numerous issues. (Photo: VNA)

Addressing the forum, President of the Cuban Chamber of Commerce (CCC) Antonio Carricarte affirmed that the event offered a chance to share experience and explore economic cooperation opportunities between the two countries. Read full story

- Vietnam are ready for international friendly matches on the FIFA Days in October, including a match against China in Dalian on October 10, said head coach Philippe Troussier.

☕ Afternoon briefing on October 10 ảnh 5The Vietnamese team train ahead of their friendly match with China on October 10. (Photo: VFF)

After the match against China, Vietnam will face the hosts Uzbekistan on October 13. They will then play against the Republic of Korean (RoK) team in Suwon city on October 17./. Read full story


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