- Vietnam appealed to countries to augment internationalefforts in disarmament and non-proliferation, during a general debate of the UNGeneral Assembly’s Disarmament and International Security Committee on October10.
Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative ofVietnam to the UN, held that the current international security environment isthe most complex in decades, which may adversely affect common efforts by theinternational community. Read full story
- Putting the people in the centre of development has been astrategic orientation and a thorough action philosophy of Vietnam. Thedocuments of all National Party Congresses have so far affirmed that the peopleare the most precious resource and caring for people’s happiness is the highesttarget of the regime.
The document of the most recent 13th National Party Congressunderlined the need to maximise the human factor, taking the people as thecore, the subject, and the major resource and target of development; andbuilding Vietnamese people with comprehensive development, strong connectionsand harmony between traditional and modern values. Read full story
- Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan, Deputy Chief of theGeneral Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, on October 10 hosted a receptionfor Matsuzawa Tomoko, Director for Defence Cooperation in the Indo-PacificRegion of the International Policy Division of the Defence Policy Bureau underthe Japanese Ministry of Defence, who is also head of Japan’sexperts' working group on peacekeeping.
During the meeting, the Vietnamese official affirmed that thebilateral defence cooperation has been strongly promoted, including in thefield of United Nations peacekeeping. Read full story
Ha said that as Vietnam is building a revised Law on WaterResources, it hopes to learn from Finland’s experience in water management. Read full story
- Vietnam always pays attention to implementing UNconventions on the protection of vulnerable groups, according to ProfessorJulie Nguyen, President of the Canada - ASEAN Initiatives at York University.
The country has worked to ensure interests of the groups,including women, children, the elderly, ethnic groups in remote areas, andpeople with disabilities, the professor who joined the compilation of theUN’s Human Development Report 2017-Vietnam told the Vietnam News Agency (VNA). Read full story
According to the provincial Department of Culture, Sports andTourism, a ceremony to announce the Visit Vietnam Year 2023 - Binh Thuan isscheduled to be organised in December. Read full story
- The Vietnamese Trade Office in Indonesia has been takingvarious measures to actively support Vietnamese enterprises in enteringIndonesia, given that it is a protected market with many non-tariff barriers,according to Trade Counsellor Pham The Cuong.
With total population of more than 170 million, the world’sfourth largest, and GDP reaching nearly 1.19 trillion USD last year, theIndonesian market is viewed as promising for Vietnamese products, he told theVietnam News Agency, adding Indonesia and Vietnam share cultural similaritiesand Vietnamese goods have gained a foothold in Indonesia with rising exportturnover from the regional partner. Read full story
- Retail prices of oil and petrol increased starting from 3pmon October 11, following the latest adjustment by the Ministry of Industry andTrade, and the Ministry of Finance.
Accordingly, the ceiling retail price of E5 RON92 rose by 560VND (0.02 USD) to 21,290 VND per litre, and that of RON95 bio-fuel went up 560VND to 22,000 per litre. Read full story
- Information of over 3.1 million health insurance cards hadbeen looked up via chip-based citizen identification cards at more than 11,500medical facilities, accounting for 90.2% of the total number, as of lateSeptember.
To date, the insurance sector has completed a database ofmore than 98 million people, corresponding to nearly 28 million households.Nearly 13,000 medical facilities are interconnected. Read full story
- Vietnam International Digital Week opened in Hanoi on October 11, with the theme of “Global Partnership for the suitable digital future.”
The opening ceremony saw the participation of more than 350 representatives from ministries, agencies, associations, organisations and digital firms from ASEAN member countries and their dialogue partners, among others./. Read full story