Sydney (VNA) – The Australia –Vietnam Capacity Building Forum for Women Entrepreneurs in Agrifood Businessopened in Sydney on May 28, offering a chance for Vietnamese femaleentrepreneurs to have creative thinking and gain closer access to internationalstandards.
In his opening remarks, Vice-Chancellor andPresident of Western Sydney University Barney Glover said that Australia is oneof the most reliable suppliers of high-quality agrifood in the world.
Two-thirds of Australia’s exported farmproduce are shipped to Asia, so it is essential for the country to build abusiness network of agricultural products.
He stressed the need to boost trade tiesbetween Australia and Vietnam as the Southeast Asian nation is emerging as anew and potential market. The two countries’ agrifood holds numeroussimilarities and can supplement each other.
Trinh Duc Hai, Vietnamese Consul General inNew South Wales state, shared that the Vietnamese female entrepreneur communityis expanding. Currently, 30 percent of the total Vietnamese enterprises areowned by women.
The Vietnamese Government always supportsthe community with the aim of raising the proportion to 50 percent by 2020, Haiadded.
The Australia – Vietnam Capacity BuildingForum is scheduled to take place until June 1. It aims to create opportunitiesfor Vietnamese female entrepreneurs to update information on issues related toimproving the competitiveness of enterprises in the market of agriculturalproduction and processing, and understanding the current situation and demandfor agricultural products in Australia.
The forum, jointly held by Western SydneyUniversity, Australia – ASEAN Council, and Ho Chi Minh City’s University ofEconomics, is also a chance for Vietnamese and Australian businesswomen toshare their experiences on innovative solutions in preserving and processingagricultural products.-VNA