Bac Lieu (VNA) - Dong Hai district in theMekong Delta provinceof Bac Lieu is focusingon developing its coastal and sea areas, considering them to be important zonesthat help the district become a locality with strong marine economicdevelopment.
To effectively realize this target, Dong Haidistrict is concentrating on reviewing, adjusting and supplementing its socio-economicdevelopment master plan for the 2010-2020 period with a vision to 2030.
The district is carrying out socio-economic developmentplanning, sectoral development planning alongside adjusting land use planningin accordance with sea-based economic development orientation and thelocality’s advantages.
Dong Hai is further diversifying its policiesto attract resources for sea-based development, effectively exploiting andusing the province and the government’s support to sea-based infrastructuredevelopment, further controlling and preventing sea environment pollution,building an observing system and early warning of sea environment incidents andactivities to destroy the sea environment for timely prevention and settlement.
Phan Hung Viet, Secretary of the district’sParty Committee, said the locality has directed relevant agencies to review,build plans and put forth measures to protect marine resources and coastalareas.
Dong Hai district has strengthened theinspection and control of fishing and exploration activities. It has enhancedcooperation with other localities in sea transport, tourism, sea environmentprotection, cooperation in search and rescue at sea, scientific research and technologytransfer.
Besides, the district has also promoted activitiesto raise awareness of protecting marine and coastal resources and plantingmangrove forests among local people, especially those living in coastalcommunes.
Dong Hai district has implemented solutions tocope with the consequences of climate change and sea rising along withpopularising the Party and State’s policies on the East Sea,islands, developing the economy in parallel with sea and coastal environmentprotection. The locality has paid attention to directing local fishermen toabide by legal regulations relating to fishing activities and protectingaquatic resources.
The district has effectively organised the “Seaand Island Week”, launched every year with different themes by the Ministry ofNatural Resources and Environment in coastal areas to raise public awareness ofsea resources conservation, exploitation and use.
It has made public urgent issues and policieson aquaculture at coastal and sea areas so that organisations and individuals canimplement them timely.
It has also worked with competent provincialagencies to accelerate the adjustment of a plan to develop Ganh Hoa town inaccordance with a plan to develop the Ganh Hao sea-based economic area and GanhHao seaport and complete important projects such as the viaducts and serviceareas at sea.
Regarding aquatic product processing and sale,the district is focusing on restructuring aquatic processing plants,encouraging enterprises to upgrade technology, raise their production scalesand build more warehouses.
It is also paying heed to purchasing andprocessing goods serving export in the fields of aquatic product processing andsalt production. The district is paying attention to improving the output andquality of products to sharpen their competitive edge in the market.
Regarding fishing and exploitation activities,the district is creating favourable conditions for investors to build new shipyardsat the Ganh Hao Sea Economic Area, encouraging them to expand production andbuild new ships using new materials, such as iron, composite, call forinvestment in ship repair services, developing mechanical engineering,transport, manufacturing and fixing means of transport, developing maintenanceand logistic services to meet the demand for sea-based economic development, especiallyoffshore fishing activities.
With the above-mentioned solutions, Dong Hai districtdetermines to fulfill its target of developing the sea-based economycomprehensively in the near future, to create an impetus for structure shiftingand economic development to become a key sea economic locality of Bac Lieuprovince./.