Hanoi(VNA) - As demand for cash withdrawals at ATMs doubles or triples around the LunarNew Year (Tet) holiday, banks are recommending customers use electronic paymentor scan their cards at POS machines or use quick response (QR) codes instead ofwithdrawing cash at ATMs.
Hoang Anh Tuan,Vietcombank’s director of cash processing centre, recommended customers usepayment cards, credit cards or other forms of electronic transactions viainternet banking, mobile banking and money transfers to minimise the need towithdraw cash.
On the other hand,at the time before and during the Tet holiday, banks as well as goods andservices suppliers have many promotions and discounts for customers when usingcards. “This is also an opportunity for customers to save some costs,” Tuantold the Vietnam News Agency.
To support customerswhen shopping or paying bills without using the cards or cash, Vietnam MaritimeCommercial Joint Stock Bank (Maritime Bank) recently introduced the paymentfeature using QR codes on mobile banking.
According to thelatest statistics released by the State Bank of Vietnam, the country has morethan 127 million banking cards of all kinds, more than 17,300 ATMs and 260,000POS machines.
Despite the ceaseless increase in the number of ATMs and POSs, with thedemand for cash withdrawal during the days near Tet, ATMs have becomeobstructed. –VNA