Jean Jacques Bouflet,Minister-Counsellor, Head of the Trade & Economics Section of the EUDelegation to Vietnam , said the book summarised major issuesaffecting the business environment, such as policies on tax, import andexport, intellectual property, environment and infrastructure, and theissuance of legal documents.
The book alsomentions recommendations on the operations of Vietnamese businessassociations to raise their voices in an EU-funded sub-project entitled“Capacity building on trade policy for Vietnamese business associations”as part of the EU-Vietnam Multilateral Trade Assistance Project III(MUTRAP III), he added.
EuroCham had supportednine business associations, including the Vietnam Textile and ApparelAssociation (VITAS), the Vietnam Leather and Footwear Association(LEFASO), the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers(VASEP), the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) – Ho ChiMinh City branch, the Hanoi and HCM City SME Associations, the HCM CityHandicraft and Wood Industry Association, the HCM City YoungBusinesspeople Association and Dong Nai province’s Exporters andImporters Club./.