"Wehave mobilised all power supply resources to ensure production anddemand for the dry season," Pham Quoc Bao, deputy general director ofthe Corporation, was quoted as saying in the Sai Gon Giai Phong(Liberated Sai Gon) newspaper.
Bao said the maximum capacity forthe city in the dry season was 3,285MW. Since late March, the weatherhas been very hot and electricity usage has increased to 3,272 MW, butthe corporation has already prepared for 3,600MW of capacity.
"With current electricity consumption and electricity backup capability, electricity supply will be ensured," he said.
PhamNgoc Minh, Director of the HCM City Electricity Corporation'sElectricity Distribution and Adjustment Centre, said that since earlyApril, electricity output has increased from 56 million kWh/day to 61million kWh/day.
It is expected to go up to 68 million kWh/day on peak days compared with 64 million kWh/day last year during the dry season.
TheNational Electricity Distribution and Adjustment Centre has alsopledged that power supply will be sufficient during the season.
Sinceearly this year, the number of electricity outages has fallendramatically as the city administration completed electricity gridmaintenance in advance.
More new power transformer stations andhigh-voltage grids have increased the capacity of the electricity grid,up to 40 percent of back-up capability.
"A series of newhigh-voltage grids, Cu Chi – Cau Bong, Nha Be – Viet Thanh, Hiep BinhPhuoc – Hoa Xa and Ba Queo – Cho Lon, began operating, along with powertransformer stations, 220kV Cu Chi, 110kV Lang Cat, 110kV Ba Diem andothers," Bui Hai Thanh, director of High-Voltage Grid company, said.
Toprepare for the dry season, the Gia Dinh Electricity Company added 60transformer stations and completed 70km of a low-voltage grid to meetincreased power demand in the two districts of Phu Nhuan and Binh Thanh.
Theelectricity sector has also asked all electricity companies to reducethe amount of time for power cuts to complete maintenance tasks.
For a three-year medium-voltage system, the electricity officials will allow one time a year to repair anything that is broken.
For other voltage systems, repairs can be made every four to six months. All repairs are supposed to be made within five hours.-VNA