Hanoi (VNA) – Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc cut the ribbon to open Hung Ha bridge,linking the Red River delta provinces of Hung Yen and Ha Nam, and a roadconnecting Hanoi-Hai Phong and Cau Gie-Ninh Binh expressway, to traffic on themorning of January 26.
Addressing the event, the leader said these works are strategic as they connectnorthern key economic zones.
He commended the contributions of the locals in Hung Yen and Ha Nam provincesas up to 6,000 households were relocated to give land to the building of theworks.
He advised localities lying along the road connecting Hanoi-Hai Phong and CauGie-Ninh Binh expressways to look to urban economic structure to create a newspringboard for becoming urban areas when traffic is getting smooth.
The road connectingHanoi-Hai Phong and Cau Gie-Ninh Binh expressway aims to reduce trafficpressure on Hanoi while raising the operation efficiency of the twoexpressways.
It has a total length of 47.7km, with the one end ln Ly Thuong Kiet communelinking with the Hanoi-Hai Phong expressway, Hung Yen province, and the otherend in Liem Tuyen commune, Ha Nam province connecting to the Cau Gie-Ninh Binhexpressway.
Hung Ha bridge with a length of over 2.1km and two approach roads with a totallength of nearly 4km. Crossing the Hong (Red) River, it begins at Phuong ChieuCommune, Hung Yen city and ends at Bac Ly Commune, in Ly Nhan district of HaNam province.
The project has total investment of over 2.96 trillion VND (126 million USD),with 2.5 trillion VND coming from the Republic of Korea’s Economic DevelopmentCo-operation Fund and the rest from the Vietnamese government.
It helps shorten thedistance from Hung Yen to Phu Ly city of Ha Nam to only 20km with travel timeof 20 minutes instead of the current 40 minutes.-VNA