- National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue hosted receptionsfor the new ambassadors of Cuba and Russia in Hanoi on August 4.
The top legislator welcomed the two new ambassadors andexpressed his belief that the diplomats, with their warm sentiments for Vietnamand their rich diplomatic experience, will help further promote therelationship between their respective countries and Vietnam. Read full story
- Standing Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh hosted areception in Hanoi on August 4 for heads of delegations of ASEAN and ASEANPlus 3 countries to the 21st ASEAN Conference on Civil Service Matters (ACCSM21).
Welcoming the guests, Minh said that in terms of civilservice cooperation, ASEAN countries have built a vision for the ASEANCommunity in 2025, which targets building a strong ASEAN on three pillars:political-security cooperation, economic cooperation, and socio-culturecooperation. Read full story
- The steering committee for ASEAN dissemination at theMinistry of Information and Communications (MIC) held a conference in Hanoi onAugust 4 on the dissemination of information about the Association of SoutheastAsian Nations (ASEAN) on the occasion of the bloc’s 55th founding anniversary(August 8).
In his opening remarks, Trieu Minh Long, Director of theMIC’s Department of International Cooperation, said that ASEAN was establishedon August 8, 1967, marking the first milestone in the process of formation anddevelopment of a regional organisation considered to be very effective andgrowing strongly. Read full story
- Labour, employment and social cooperation between Vietnamand the Republic of Korea since the two countries established diplomaticrelations 30 years ago was reviewed at a workshop in Hanoi on August 3.
The event was co-organised by Vietnam’s Ministry of Labour,Invalids and Social Affairs and the RoK’s Ministry of Employment and Labour. Read full story
The information was revealed on August 4 in the World GoldCouncil’s Gold Demand Trends report for Q2. Read full story
- Japanese investors have so far poured almost 6 billion USDin the southern province of Binh Duong, Standing Vice Chairman of theprovincial People’s Committee Mai Hung Dung said at a working session with adelegation of the Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI Kansai) onAugust 4. Read full story
Notably, the team won a half of this category’s total goldmedals./. Read full story