He made thepraise in his article on Vietnam’s role in the global economy which was publishedon the Diplomatic Academy of Russia’s ASEAN Centre website ahead of theAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting scheduledfor the central city of Da Nang from November 6-11.
Chofimchuksaid apart from the APEC, Vietnam has so far joined and played an active rolein more than 70 prestigious organisations regionally and globally, notably theUnited Nations, the World Trade Organisation, the Asia-Europe Economic Unionand the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
He recalled anevent in 1965 in the central city of Da Nang where external interference inVietnam’s war started and the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting 2017 will behosted.
After theSoviet Union was dissolved, Vietnam has partnered with and turned the US – theformer foe into one of its leading economic partners, which he said, was partlyattributable to Vietnam’s flexible external policy.
Vietnam hasestablished diplomatic ties with over 170 countries worldwide and is a memberof more than 650 non-governmental organisations.
The countryhas made strenuous efforts to go ahead and seek new opportunities for the goalof global integration and cooperation.
In the end,Chofimchuk noted that Vietnam was known worldwide in the past for its gloriousand heroic history, but now, it has opened a new chapter as a trustworthypartner and a loyal friend in the world’s major affairs.-VNA