Participating Taiwanese firms are operating in differentfields including the production of footwear and sport gear production, andprocessed agricultural products.
Deputy Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee LeQuang Trung said Vinh Long is committed to accompanying and fully implementingits responsibilities for investors, particularly in helping them tackledifficulties and creating a favourable business climate.
In 2021, despite being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic,the province still granted investment registration certificates to 12 projects worth4.052 trillion VND (177.41 million USD). Currently, it has 67 valid FDIprojects valued at 779 million USD; seven of which are invested by Taiwanese investors with total investment of about 237.31 million USD.
According to Vu Xuan Dang, vice director of the Ministry ofPlanning and Investment (MoIT)’s southern investment promotion centre,Taiwanese investors are currently interested in Vinh Long’s sectors of seafoodprocessing, leather and footwear, agriculture, energy, and services.
The centre will stand side by side with them for theirsmooth and legal investment in the province and in the southern region, hesaid.
Chang Wen Chung, director of the Taipei Economic andCultural Office in Ho Chi Minh City, said if Vinh Long continues to improve itsinfrastructure such as electricity, water, transportation, and labour resourcesas well as support investment incentives, more Taiwanese businesses will chooseto invest in the locality.
At the meeting, two Taiwaneseenterprises signed documents showing their commitment to investing in Vinh Long. Earlier,the Taiwanese business delegation visited a number of projects, which arecalling for investment in the province./.