On display will be automobile and motorbike spare parts,beauty and health care products, fashion, education, processed food, dried fruitsand beverages.
Nearly 20 Thai firms major in motorbike spare parts,household appliances and electronics will join the event.
Most of Thai businesses are strong in manufacturing productswith attractive designs and competitive costs. They also offer franchisingopportunities and sell goods online.
A representative from Thailand’s Herb & Her companyexpressed hope that the B2B (business-to-business) programme at the event willmake it easier for the firm to seek agents and distributors.
Nearly 1,500 meetings between participating exhibitors havebeen held so far.
The event will be co-hosted by the Thai Commerce Ministry’sDepartment of International Trade Promotion, the Thai Commercial Affairs Officein Ho Chi Minh City and the Vietnam National Trade Fair & AdvertisingCompany.-VNA