Vietnam’s strategy for sustainable development of marine economy

On October 22, 2018, Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong signed a resolution on the strategy for the sustainable development of Vietnam’s marine economy to 2030 and vision to 2045, known as Resolution No 36.

The resolution affirms that the sea is a component of the sacred national sovereignty of the Fatherland, is a living space, and a gateway to international exchange.

Vietnam must become a strong and rich country based on the sea; develop its marine economy sustainably in association with ensuring national defence and security and maintaining independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; and strengthening foreign relations and international cooperation regarding the sea, contributing to maintaining a peaceful and stable environment that is conducive to development.

Accordingly, the country will develop its marine economy sustainably on the basis of green growth and the conservation of biodiversity and marine ecosystems; ensure people’s rights to participate, benefit, and have responsibility for the sustainable development of the marine economy; link marine environmental protection with prevention and deterrence; and promote regional and global cooperation.

It will actively improve the effectiveness of international integration and cooperation, giving priority to attracting world-leading strategic investors with source technology and advanced management skills on the principle of equality, mutual benefit, and respect for Vietnam’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

In regard to objectives to 2030 and vision to 2045, the resolution aims at turning Vietnam into a strong marine country; forming a marine ecological culture; proactively adapting to climate change and sea level rises; preventing marine environmental pollution, degradation, coastal erosion, and saltwater intrusion; and restoring and conserving important marine ecosystems.

The marine economy is to make important contributions to the national economy, contributing to turning the country into a modern industrial nation with a socialist orientation, and proactively and responsibly participate in addressing international and regional issues on seas and oceans.

By 2030, Vietnam is to successfully develop and record breakthroughs in marine economic sectors. The order of priority is: (1) Tourism and marine services, (2) Maritime economy, (3) Exploitation of oil and gas and other marine mineral resources, (4) Aquaculture and fishing, (5) Coastal industry, and (6) Renewable energy and new marine economic sectors.

Under the resolution, the marine economy must harmoniously combine with environmental protection and the conservation of marine biodiversity, with priority given to improving the legal framework on sea and island management along with raising public awareness about the sustainable development of the sea./.