Commercialization of farm produce in Mekong Delta

With tough competition, basic production is not enough to meet the demands of export markets, so commercialization of farm produce in the Mekong delta is the only way to crack tough markets.

The majority of the Mekong Delta region’s farm produce does not meet the requirements of agriculture production. Only 20% hits VietGAP standards, and the number is significantly lower when it comes to GlobalGAP standards.

This is a direct result of small-scale and scattered agriculture production and farmers not taking into account quality or stable output. The competitiveness of Vietnam agriculture produce is low and hits obstacles in foreign markets.

More export markets are placing technical barriers. China, for example, is now strictly controlling its imports. If we do not change the current mindset and production procedures, agricultural produce will end up stuck at the border gate.

Experts said the commercialization of agricultural products that meet international standards should be mandatory for the Mekong Delta’s agricultural sector. Currently, some localities have implemented and supervised the implementation of quality management systems, and small farms are being organised into groups and cooperatives to meet national and international standards./.