Decision 501,posted on the Government website, said the forums would operate on thebasis of honesty, neutrality, non-profitability and humanitarianprinciples to challenge and identify shortcomings in the country'spolicies.
Initially operating on a trial basis, the forums areexpected to contribute to national development, uphold nationalinterests as well as existing laws and regulations, thus fosteringdemocracy, equality, transparency and openness.
The country'sintellectuals, including overseas Vietnamese will be encouraged to notonly voice their opinions independently and professionally, but alsomonitor implementation of policies and projects with the proviso thatinformation concerning national interest and security would beprotected.
The Vietnam Union of Science and TechnologyAssociations, the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and the VietnamAcademy of Science and Technology will establish and operate the forumsover the next five years.
The Government has ordered the Ministryof Science and Technology to facilitate establishment of the forums,support their operations, receive feedback and report them to theGovernment.
The Ministry of Finance has been asked to build afinancial mechanism for the forums that will allow them operate withState budget together with funds raised from other legitimate parties.-VNA