Hanoi (VNA) – Vu Huy Hoang, former minister of industry and trade, and two other ex-officials of this ministry are being investigatedfor “violating regulations on the management and use of State assets, causinglosses and wastefulness”, the Ministry of Public Security said on July 11.
Apartfrom Hoang (born in 1953), the two others are former deputy minister of industry and trade Ho Thi Kim Thoa (born in 1960) and former director of theministry’s Light Industry Department Phan Chi Dung (born in 1957).
At its meeting on November 2, 2016, theParty Central Committee’s Secretariat concluded that as Secretary of the Party unitat the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) and Minister of Industry and Tradein 2011-2016, Hoang held the main responsibility for violations and flawscommitted by the ministry’s Party unit during the time.
He personally showed a lackof good example and had self-interested behaviour when receiving and appointinghis son, Vu Quang Hai, as an inspector of the Vietnam National TobaccoCorporation (Vinataba), and nominating Hai for a position in the Board ofDirectors of the Saigon Beer-Alcohol-Beverage Company (Sabeco) so that Hai waslatter elected to this board and take the position of Deputy General Director.
Hoang also violated the Party Central Committee’s regulationson not-to-dos by Party members, the Secretariat’s regulations on officials andParty members’ responsibility for showing good example, and the Law on CorruptionPrevention and Control.
He infringed the Party’s regulations and State’s law onprinciples, processes, procedures, conditions, criteria and jurisdictionrelevant to the personnel work, causing serious consequences.
Meanwhile, he incorrectlydirected and implemented the Party unit’s working regulations and legalregulations when verifying and proposing the Hero of Labour title be bestowedupon the PetroVietnam Construction JSC and the third-class Labour Order begranted to Dang Vu Ngoan, Rector of the Ho Chi Minh City University of FoodIndustry.
Hoang was also found to have slackened leadership andexamination, leading to some of this ministry's units breaking regulations onpersonnel recruitment, reception, evaluation, and appointment.
His violations and flaws caused serious consequences,affecting the prestige of the MoIT’s Party unit, the ministry, as well as himself, according to the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat.
The Secretariat decided to issue warningas the disciplinary measure for the MoIT’s Party unit in the 2011-2016 period whiledismissing Hoang from the position of Secretary of the Party unit during 2011-2016and stripping him of the titles of former member of the Party CentralCommittee, former Secretary of the Party unit at and former Minister of theMoIT./.