Before the unrest, therewere about 10,000 Vietnamese workers in Libya , including 2,000 inBenghazi city and 8,000 in the capital city of Tripoli andsurrounding areas.
The Vietnamese Embassy in Libya has joinedefforts with labour export companies and local authorities to gather theremaining workers in Libya and promptly evacuate them from thenorth African country.
No information on injury or death among Vietnamese citizens in Libya has been reported so far.
TheVietnamese Foreign Ministry asked other ASEAN countries and relatednations to work together, to share information and help the passage ofworkers from Libya .
In an attempt to help Vietnamese workers,Vietnam Airlines was dispatching three flights to the Tunisian city ofDjerba on March 2, 3 and 4.
A special flight from Tunisiaconducted by the national flag carrier, Vietnam Airlines, with about 300Vietnamese workers aboard, is scheduled to land at Noi BaiInternational Airport early on March 4.
Based on MoLISA’sfield report on the increasing number of Vietnamese workers fleeing toDjerba city, Vietnam Airlines plans to conduct two more flights to thecity on March 5 and 7 and another to Istanbul , Turkey on March 6to bring the Vietnamese workers home, bringing the total committedflights to date to seven.
A ship carrying 1,121 Vietnameseworkers from Libya is scheduled to dock at the northern port city ofHai Phong . The ship left Libya on March 3.
To assistworkers returning from Libya, the Government plans to reschedule debtsand workers will be provided with more loans if they want to work inother markets./.