As many as 20 political parties, including the ruling CPP, contestedin the sixth general election on July 29.
Four political parties, including the League for DemocracyParty, the Grassroots Democratic Party, the Anti-Poverty Party, and theMotherland Party, did not take part in the consultation forum.
Speaking at the forum, Hun Sen said he met with them in hiscapacity as the PM, not as the CPP's President.
He expressed his intention to create a Supreme Council forConsultations between the government and political parties in order to seekconstructive ideas for national development.
The participation from political parties is really importantto develop the nation, he said.
He said a new parliament and a new government will be formedon September 5 and 6, respectively.
On August 15, the National Election Commission confirmedthat the CPP won in the sixth National Assembly election with 4,889,113 votesand 125 seats.
The result has opened up a chance for CPP to decide on majorcountry issues in the next five years.-VNA