The “Doi Moi” (renewal) process over 35 years has provedeffective, and a socialist-oriented economy has helped Vietnam create a“brighter” socio-economic picture like today, the Russian scholar said.
He made the statement following the recent release ofGeneral Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central CommitteeNguyen Phu Trong’s writing on a number of theoretical and practical issues onsocialism and the path towards socialism in Vietnam.
Regarding external affairs, Trofimchuck said Vietnam’sprestige and position in the international arena have been heightened overyears. Vietnam has remained as one of the leading ASEAN member states and anactive country in the Asia-Pacific region, he noted adding that thanks to thecountry’s dynamism, Russians have got to know more about ASEAN.
He emphasised that many countries need to learn fromVietnam’s good practices in developing a socialist-oriented economy, especiallyin the face of global economic uncertainty.
According to Dr. Evgeny Vlasov, Deputy Vice-President forInternational Relations, Far Eastern Federal University of Russia, Ho ChiMinh’s philosophy and ideology remain relevant in today’s world and hispredecessors have applied them wisely in State governance to respond to thecurrent context.
He regarded Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong asthe symbol of a new stage of development in Vietnam, the third stage of “DoiMoi”. He had a high hope of Vietnam successfully fulfilling goals of theResolution of the 13th Party Congress and becoming a developed and high-incomecountry./.