Hanoi (VNA) – The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency.
- National AssemblyChairman Vuong Dinh Hue attended a ceremony in Hanoi on October 27 to honourwinners of the science-technology innovation awards by the Vietnam Fund forSupporting Technological Creations (VIFOTEC) in 2021.

This year, the organising board presented four first, eightsecond, 14 third and 19 consolidate prizes to 45 projects.Read full story
- Vietnam alwaysattaches great importance to and prioritises the development of ties withThailand, and hopes to enhance the bilateral strategic partnership in allfields, including defence, Deputy Minister of National Defence Sen. Lieut. GenHoang Xuan Chien told the new Thai attachés in Vietnam.
Chien made the statement at a meeting with Thai defence andarmy attaché Colonel Anupon Naksut, Thai navy attaché Captain Warun Weerakul,and Thai air attaché Colonel Prin Yongpiyanon in Hanoi on October 27.Read full story
- The Vietnam –Algeria Friendship Association (VAFA) hosted a ceremony in Hanoi on October 27to celebrate the 60th founding anniversary of the Vietnam – Algeriadiplomatic ties (October 28, 1962-2022).
Addressing the event, Deputy Minister of Construction LeQuang Hung, VAFA Chairman, highlighted the fruitful development of thebilateral relations across fields, saying that regular visits by the twocountries’ leaders have created a premise for comprehensive cooperation betweenthe two sides.Read full story
- The authorities andbusinesses from Constantine province of Algeria want to step up cooperationwith Vietnam and learn from the country’s experience in such areas asaquaculture, tourism, and garment-textile, said Riad Larkem, a representativefrom the province’s Rhummel Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIR).
Larkem made the statement at a working session with theVietnam Trade Office in Algeria on October 27.Read full story
- The fastestgrowing market for centi-millionaires, who boast 100 million USD or more ininvestable assets, over the next decade is forecast to be Vietnam, according toThe Centi-Millionaire Report.
Under the report released recently by leading internationalresidence and citizenship by investment advisory firm Henley & Partners,with an astonishing 95% growth rate predicted, this emerging Asianmanufacturing hub is expected to see a strong growth of centi-millionaires inthe real estate, technology, and financial services sectors. Read full story
- Vietnam’s export toAmerica has made impressive growth after the three-year implementation of theComprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP),heard a seminar held by the Industry and Trade Magazine on October 27.
Figures show that Vietnam is the only CPTPP member that hasseen its market share in Canada and Mexico increasing, according to Nguyen ThiThu Trang, Director of the WTO and Integration Centre at the Vietnam Chamber ofCommerce and Industry (VCCI). Read full story
- Malaysia’sratification of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for theTrans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) has opened a great chance for Vietnam andMalaysia to further promote their trade cooperation, especially in export.
Vietnamese businesses will enjoy preferential taxes whenexporting their goods to Malaysia from November 29, 2022. Read full story
- The Netherlandswill be a target market for Vietnam with an aim to further optimise themarket’s potential and bring Vietnamese goods deeper to the 27-member EuropeanUnion (EU), according to experts.
The Netherlands was one of the five markets where Vietnamenjoyed trade surplus in 2021, the second most profitable in the first ninemonths of this year and the current second largest trade partner of Vietnamamong the EU members, Ambassador to the Netherlands Pham Viet Anh said at arecent Vietnam-Netherlands trade promotion conference. Read full story
- Vietnam-Russia oiland gas joint venture (Vietsovpetro) on October 28 welcomed the first flow ofoil pumped up from Ca Tam 2 production platform (CTC-2) at Ca Tam oil field.
The oil field is located at block 09-3/12 on the continentalshelf of Vietnam, about 160 km to the southeast of Vung Tau city in thesouthern province of Ba Ria – Vung Tau./.Read full story